Dein chef ist ein ehebrecher
33,519 99%
"You just recently joined our company, on the recommendation of your girlfriend who already works for us. Unfortunately, it seems that your new boss carries something of a grudge against her - and she's going to take that out on you. She knows that you really, really need this job, and that you'll do almost anything to keep it... including cheating on your girlfriend with your boss! She seems insistent that the more you give in to her, the more you admit you NEED her cock, the closer you'll get to not even remembering your girlfriend's name. Once she cums, guess who's on cleanup duty? You do want this job... don't you?"
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Du weißt, dass ich es wirklich zu schätzen weiß, dass du dich der Firma anschließt.
Du warst bisher so ein guter Mitarbeiter.
Ich möchte, dass du weißt, dass ich die harte Arbeit schätze, die du in letzter Zeit geleistet hast.
Wie gefällt Ihnen Ihre neue Position in der Firma?